Indie Music
Title of the text:
The World of Indie
Mason Robinson
of Journals/Publication: What is Indie Music? The Sideline Sports & Culture
Indie music is independent and can be classified with
different kinds of genres like alternative rock, indie rock or sometimes even
pop depending on the artist or the style of the song. The lyrics of this genre
can usually have deeper meaning than usual. As said in the evidences artists
are poetic and sometimes depressed, making indie music a little darker than
common rock music.
that support the main idea:
“Literally speaking, indie is used simply an
abbreviation of the word ‘independent.’ This means that indie artists are those
who produce music independently from a commercial record label. Naturally, this
classification of indie includes artists of numerous genres and exists
separately from the colloquial way in which indie is often used to describe
acts such as Tame Impala and Mac Demarco. The latter refers to alternative
rock, which has gradually merged with indie rock through extensive overlap (many
indie rock artists can also be categorized as alternative rock, and vice
versa). This has created a tremendous contradiction: many ‘independent rock’
artists do not work on independent labels.”
“This oxymoronic quality of indie music is a
result of some exceptionally strong common musical threads between various
artists throughout the years. The genre’s tendency towards introspective,
depressed, and poetic frontmen can be traced back to a few key individuals.
Prolific singer-songwriter and recent Nobel Laureate Bob Dylan offers perhaps
the first example of this. Dylan’s ambling prose and rather whiny tone created
the framework of indie music for generations of thoughtful artists.”
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