Pop Music

Title of the text:  What Is Pop Music?
Author/s:  Bill Lamb
Title of journal/ publication: LiveAbout
URL/ Web adress:  https://www.liveabout.com/what-is-pop-music-3246980

Main idea:
Pop music is versatile, it is open for changes. It is a genre of popular music that is hit nowadays. Pop music is about what is vogue in this time. It is something that is influence by new technology. New instruments can be used on doing a pop music. Alternative rock and RNB are pop music in this time. Pop music is a type of music that we can go along. Everyone can dance along with its melody and rhythm. Especially in the Philippines, we love to sway our body with the beat of the music. We use pop music in different celebrations. Television, radio, and social media is where pop music can be heard.

Whatever the reason is, music will always be part of us. The melody and beat of pop music will stay in our souls even if we discover new sounds.

Evidence/s that supports the main idea:

“The definition of pop music is deliberately flexible. It accommodates the fact that the specific music identified as pop is continually changing. At any particular point in time, it may be most straightforward to identify pop music as that which is successful on the pop music charts. For the past 50 years, the most successful musical styles on the pop charts have continually changed and evolved. However, there are some consistent patterns in what we know as pop music.
One of the most consistent elements of pop music since the 1950's is the pop song. Pop music is not usually written, performed and recorded as a symphony, suite, or concerto.
The basic form of pop music is the song and usually a song consisting of verses and a repeated chorus. Most often the songs are between 2 1/2 minutes and 5 1/2 minutes in length. On the other end of the spectrum, in the late 1950s and early 1960s, some hit songs clocked in under two minutes in length.

As with other art forms that aim to attract a mass audience movies, television, Broadway shows. Pop music has been and continues to be a melting pot that borrows from and assimilates elements and ideas from a wide range of musical styles. In the past decade, Latin music and other international forms including reggae have played a more prominent role in pop music than in the past.
Today's pop music bears significant influences from the development of recording technology. Electronic music played and recorded digitally permeates most of today's top-selling pop music”.
